I'm a Frontend Developer

Who am I?

My name is Vu Bao Linh. I'm a frontend developer living in Hanoi, Vietnam. I studied at FPT Polytechnic Hanoi and graduated in 2023. After I graduate, I want to learn more specialized knowledge and find the right company for me and below is some information about me and the projects I have worked on.

My skills & Knowledge

Technologies and languages that I use to make my product everyday

Selected projects

Assessment Of Student Capacity of FPoly

Website Capacity FPoly Graduation project is built by 7 members studying at my high school. The website is approved and utilized by the school for students, and it has features including recruiting, contests, and capacity evaluation.

Movie Fpoly

Team Leader Building a movie website with TMDB and 2embed with 3 other members at the school

Website Shop Gori

Build a clothing and accessories website with React, Redux Toolkit and NodeJS. Final project to learn and improve knowledge while practicing with React

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